Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I Want..

I've hung around a lot of people here recently, and they just happen to be in relationships. Not only that, but things have just come to my mind recently that I can't let go of.. What I want out of life, and the kind of guy I want to spend it with. I have a guy who has been great to me for the most part, but we've been struggling here for a while. I just wanna know if there is any way he can be the man I want to share the rest of my life with. Here is what I've come up with so far..

1. I'm not really a big fan of skinny guys. I prefer the teddy bear type:)
2. Eye color isn't a big deal to me, but I like dark hair. Idk what it is about dark hair, but it's very attractive to me.
3. I hope I'd have a guy taller than me considering I'm only 5' 6". Haha.

I'm not that picky about looks, really. It's more about what's inside that counts to me..

Not-Physical Qualities
1. A man that loves God. It's hard being with a guy that doesn't love Jesus the way I do. There is nothing sexier than a man that loves Jesus:) Haha.
2. I want a man that is strong-willed.
3. Someone who can make up his mind and stick to it.
4. Someone determined to complete goals he wants to achieve.
5. A guy who, when I decide to freak out and get ticked off, will come grab me by the shoulders and be like, "Shut up!! Calm your butt down, and talk to me about this junk!!"
6. A MAN!! There's a difference between a boy and a man. Seriously.
7. A man who is responsible with his time and money and doesn't blow it on things that aren't really needed. I can see spending a little, cuz heck! I'm a girl. I like shopping. But I know my limits.
8. I like a cuddler. I believe that's like my favorite thing in the world. Haha. Feeling special and wanted is a great feeling:)
9. HONESTY!!! I seriously cannot stress that enough. Don't lie to me. Cuz it's terribly hard to get it back with me. Idk why. That's just how I am. I'd rather be hurt by the truth or get mad at hearing the truth, than I would for a guy to lie to me about it!
10. A sweet, funny guy. But at the same time, a guy that can be serious when the situation calls for it.
 11. I would like a guy to want to work, of course. And be able to take care of a family. I know the woman's part is to take care of the house and stuff, but it would be nice if there was help. I guy who didn't mind cleaning up after himself or maybe doing a sink of dishes if I haven't been able to get to it yet. I really don't like having to clean up after people. I'm not a mother yet.

This list is not necessarily in the order of importance.. Except for #1 :)

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